Conversatorio de Paz: Peace Negotiations between the Colombian Government and FARC

UCL-Institute of the Americas is pleased to host the seventh in the series of seminars to discuss the latest developments in the peace negotiations between the Colombian government and FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia).

Thu 12 June, 5.30-7.45pm, UCL-Institute of the Americas, 51 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PN

The participants will have the opportunity to draw up a report from each discussion to be published on the webpages of the organisers.

Structure of the Conversatorios:

  • Introduction and presentations (30 minutes)
  • Discussion and questions (45 minutes)
  • Conclusions and selection of points to be drafted into report (15 minutes)
  • Tea and coffee reception (30 minutes)

Moderator: Andrei Gómez-Suárez (University of Oxford)

Guest Speaker: Rosa Emilia Salamanca (Pacto Ético por un País en Paz, Bogotá)

This event may be of particular interest to Colombians, but it is open to all members of the public.

Space is limited to 23 persons: please register beforehand.

Before registering we recommend reading the background details for earlier conversatorios (in Spanish):

To register, please send an email to:


British Academics for a Colombia Under Peace (BACUP)

Canning House


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