We need some resources to improve the way we communicate, and to raise those funds, we came up with the crazy idea of cycling from London to Brighton. It is a 57 miles ride and you all have to know that this is a massive challenge, as none of us is either an experienced or committed cyclist, some of us do not even have a bike and those who have one, it may be getting dusty and rusty.
We will do this challenge=craziness, next Saturday 22 August, leaving from South London following a cycle path all the way to Brighton. We need all the support we can get to achieve this. For that we have created a crowd funding page where you can see more of what we are doing, and find ways of helping us by donating whatever you can.
Queridos amigos de ReD. Con el propósito de actualizar nuestra pagina web se ha organizado un evento de crowdfunding que consiste en ir en bicicleta desde Londres hasta Brighton, son 90 KILOMETROS!!!!. Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros compañeros de ReD en el Reino Unido que se han puesto en el reto de pedalear semejante distancia… teniendo en cuenta que no son ciclistas experimentados, de hecho hay varios que no tienen bicicleta o la que tienen está vieja y oxidada.
Este evento tendrá lugar el 22 de Agosto, y se ha creado una pagina en donde se recibiran las donaciones. Como saben, en el grupo de ReD todos somos voluntarios y todas las actividades que organizamos la hacemos con recursos propios. Es por eso que esta vez necesitamos de su ayuda
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2015-08-18 16:46:432024-08-13 19:37:03The great peace Challenge ReD
Education Conflict and Peace in Colombia: an international seminar and workshop
29-30 June 2015 – Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge Organized by:
● Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group (CPERG)
● Rodeemos el Dialogo (ReD) UK/Colombia
● UCL Institute of Education Colombian Students Overview:
This two-day international seminar and workshop explores education as a critical but overlooked aspect of the Colombian peace process. Experts and participants will engage with the question, “How can the education sector contribute to sustainable and long-lasting peace in post-agreement Colombia?” Policymakers, researchers, educators and activists will have the opportunity to reflect critically together on the relationship between education policies, practices, and conflict drivers in Colombia and comparable contexts. They will also engage collaboratively in the identification of conflict-sensitive strategies for aligning education reform and the processes of conflict transformation and sustainable peacebuilding in Colombia. Programme: Day 1 comprises an expert panel discussion on interactions between education, armed conflict, and peace. Given the nature of the Colombian conflict, special focus will be on comparative case studies from Latin America which share the characteristics of asymmetrical armed conflict involving guerrilla and government forces, terrorism, narcotics production and trafficking, economic inequality, mass displacement, and Demobilization, Demilitarization and Rehabilitation (DDR) programming. The focus will not be on conflicts of religion and ethnicity which have less relevance to the Colombian case.
Day 2 will offer a workshop for participants with special interest in and knowledge of the Colombian context and education sector. The session will be divided into three parts: 1) introduction to the INEE toolkit for conflict-sensitive educational planning and provision; 2) a participatory conflict-mapping exercise of the Colombian education sector; 3) a participatory policy development and advocacy planning exercise for peacebuilding through education in Colombia.
Event Details and Registration:
See website: http://ecpccambridge.wix.com/conference Email: ecpc.cambridge@gmail.com
Since the 1960s, Colombia has been affected by armed conflict between the Colombian government, paramilitary groups, crime syndicates and left-wing guerrillas such as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and the National Liberation Army (ELN). It is the longest internal conflict in Latin America. According to a study by Colombia’s National Centre for Historical Memory, 220,000 people have died in the conflict between 1958 and 2013, most of them civilians (177,307 civilians and 40,787 fighters) and more than five million civilians were forced from their homes between 1985 – 2012, generating the world’s second largest population of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Since 2002, peace negotiations have led to the demobilization of thousands of guerrilla combatants. Since 2012, the main parties involved have been moving closer to a political solution to the conflict, and the government has begun a process of providing assistance and reparations to victims. However, the details of the political settlement have yet to be finalized, and it is a fact that Colombian society remains divided by the conflict, both politically, economically, and socially. Education figures only marginally in the agenda currently guiding the Colombian peace negotiation process—an omission that is deeply disturbing. While Colombian educational reform efforts are currently underway, they are likewise completely disconnected from the peace negotiation process taking place in Cuba. Historically, Colombian education policy and curricula have not been framed through a conflict sensitive approach. Generally speaking Colombia’s violent dynamics have been either ignored or exacerbated in the classroom. Through both omission and commission, Colombia’s approach to education has contributed significantly to the ongoing conflict. An opportunity now exists to shape a positive role for education in the Colombian peace process. Confirmed speakers:
Senator Claudia Lopez, Colombian Senator for the Green Alliance:
➢ Analysis of structural challenges of the Colombian education sector and proposed educational reforms in contribution to peace.
Julian De Zubiria, Founder of the Movement for Dialogic Pedagogy in Colombia, Consultant for UNDP and the Colombian Ministry of Education:
➢ Current state of the Colombian Education and proposed changes in contribution to peace: a pedagogical perspective
Dr. Andrei Suarez-Gomez, Research Associate Oxford and Sussex, Lecturer at Los Andes University:
➢ Introduction to the Colombian armed conflict and peace process
Dr. Tejendra Pherali, Senior Lecturer in Education and Int’l Development, UCL-Institute of Education:
➢ Influence of political-economic agendas on education: the case of Nepal
Professor Julia Paulson, Programme Leader, Department of Education, Bath Spa University:
➢ Relationship between truth commissions, historical memory and the education: the case of Peru
Dr. Jeremy Cunningham, Researcher, Conflict and Education Research Group, University of Oxford:
➢ Relationship between education and community cohesion: the case of Uganda Professor Alicia Cabezudo, Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Vice President, International Peace Bureau – IPB Geneva (TBC)
➢ Peace pedagogies and teacher training Sponsors:
● Education Equality and Development (EED) Research Group, University of Cambridge
● Centre for Research on Equitable Access and Learning (REAL), University of Cambridge
● Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Cambridge
● Colombian Society, London School of Economics
● St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
● Embassy of Colombia
● Avianca Airlines Details and Registration:
See website: http://ecpccambridge.wix.com/conference Email: ecpc.cambridge@gmail.com
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2015-05-25 13:52:472024-08-13 19:43:33Education Conflict and Peace in Colombia: an international seminar and workshop
The evening is an exciting opportunity to link our Listen to the World and Community Reconciliation Programmes. Over the last year, we have been supporting a small and committed transnational group, Rodeemos el Dialogo (Let us surround the dialogue). ReD consists of Colombians and friends of Colombia who support the Colombian peace talks, and believe in the power of a culture of dialogue to affect transformation and build sustainable peace.
In support of the current peace talks, and amidst continued violence in the country, we want to show our solidarity with the work of ReD and organisations like them in building a peaceful future for the nation.
The evening will feature the Talentos Group London and as a special guest, the talented Carolina Herrera!
A guitar playing singer, Carolina’s repertoire ranges from Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil to Spain and Portugal; and not forgetting an American song or two. Since her first appearance on Charlie Gillett’s Saturday Night show on BBC London in March last year, Carolina has played the Queen Elizabeth Hall (as part of La Linea), Ronnie Scott’s on Sunday (twice) and on Robert Elms’ show on BBC London. She has also performed at the Radio 3 Village Stage WOMAD.
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2015-05-19 14:59:562024-08-13 19:49:14Celebrating Colombia Culture, music event
Cordialmente están invitados a nuestro evento de perdón que se llevara a cabo en la ciudad de Londres.
David Giraldo (LLB- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, LLM International Law- London Metropolitan University) Fundador Plan Perdon.
Juana Yunis (BA Political and Social Thought- University of Virginia, MPh in Politics, Development and Democratic Education (c)-University of Cambridge
Hosted at: St Ethelburga’s Center of Reconciliation and Peace. 78 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AG London.
When: 27 de Mayo 6.30pm- 8pm
Free entry on a first come first serve basis.
RVSP: rodeareldialogo@gmail.com
00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2015-04-27 18:02:142024-08-13 19:49:52Evento Perdón
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2015-01-21 14:22:292024-08-13 20:14:39Peace Songs for Colombia – Canciones de Paz para Colombia
Desmovilización y Reintegración de ex combatientes paramilitares y guerrilleros en Colombia, 2002-2010
Enero 13 de 2015.
Hora: 18:00 – 20:00
Lugar: SOAS, Brunei Gallery. Salon B101
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG
(Invitacion Adjunta)
Qué va a ocurrir con los guerrilleros de la FARC después de una posible firma del acuerdo de paz?. Está el país preparado para reintegrarlos a la sociedad?. Con miras a la discusión sobre el quinto punto de la agenda de negociaciones, esta investigación que cuestiona la creencia de que los desmovilizados tienen una tendencia natural a reincidir en la violencia y la criminalidad. Se presentan las lecciones aprendidas de procesos anteriores, especialmente el proceso de desmovilización y reintegración de ex-combatientes bajo el gobierno del ex-presidente Alvaro Uribe. La investigación llegó a dos conclusiones principales: por un lado, la desmovilización bajo el gobierno Uribe, fue utilizada como una estrategia para la continuación de la guerra, más que como una estrategia de paz; por el otro, posteriores ajustes a la política de reintegración lograron que se desarrollaran programas, instituciones y mecanismos que tuvieron cierta efectividad para la transformación de los ex-paramilitares y ex-guerrilleros en ciudadanos.
Conferencista: Francy Carranza (PhD Candidate). School of Oriental and African Studies- SOAS
En la primera parte el evento se presentará un análsis del proceso de desmovilización bajo el gobierno Unirbe y en la segunda parte se abrirá la discusión con el público para reflexionar conjuntamente sobre una eventual desmovilización de las tropas de las FARC
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2015-01-04 18:02:102024-08-13 20:15:55CONSTRUYENDO CIUDADANOS
Un seminario de fin de año para discutir los últimos acontecimientos en las negociaciones de paz entre el gobierno colombiano y las FARC. Es continuación del ciclo de seminarios del segundo semestre de 2013 y comienzos de 2014, que llegaron a tener mucha participación.
Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de redactar un reporte sobre cada conversatorio para publicarlo en las páginas de internet de los organizadores.
Presentaciones y apertura (30 minutes)
Debate y preguntas (1 hora)
Conclusiones and elección editors del informe (15 minutes)
Socialización (15 minutes)
Moderadora: Alida Acosta – City University
Invitada especial: Ana Carrigan – Periodista y
Fecha: 10 diciembre, 2014
Hora: 17:45-20.00h
Lugar: Canning House
15 Belgrave Square
Se anticipa un alto nivel de participación de parte de ciudadanos colombianos, sin embargo es bienvenida toda persona interesada en el estado actual de las negociaciones de paz. Cupos limitados; es imprescindible la inscripción.
Reserva ya tu cupo:
Se recomienda a los interesados leer los informes de los últimos Conversatorios en:
Bristish Academics for a Colombia Under Peace (BACUP)
Canning House
Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD)
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2014-12-01 22:32:002024-08-13 20:19:29INVITACIÓN CONVERSATORIOS DE PAZ
10th Conversation ReD about the peace negotiations in La Havana between the the Colombian government and guerrillas group: FARC.
Bristol 20th November @ 5.00pm
Register in: rodeareldialogo@gmail.com
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2014-11-10 21:41:262024-08-13 20:23:3910th Conversatorio
El 13 de septiembre de 2014 se llevó a cabo el Foro Internacional de Victimas al cual asistieron colombianos y colombianas residentes en 20 ciudades en Europa y Latino América. El foro conto con el apoyo de varias organizaciones no gubernamentales, la sociedad civil colombiana y la presencia de las víctimas del conflicto armado residentes en el exterior.
Actualmente el punto que se discute en la mesa de negociaciones en la Habana entre la guerrilla de las FARC y el Gobierno de Colombia es el tema de las víctimas, un punto clave dentro de los diálogos de paz. El Foro International, ha sido el mecanismo que ha permitido que las victimas que viven fuera de Colombia se integren, participen y elaboren propuestas concretas que serán llevadas a La Habana.
En la ciudad de Londres, el foro tuvo un gran éxito, ya que logro convocar 70 víctimas directas e indirectas quienes tuvieron la oportunidad de expresar sus puntos de vista, contar sus testimonios y elaborar propuestas que van a ser radicadas en documentos que serán enviados directamente a la mesa de conversaciones en Cuba.
La metodología del evento consistió en la conformación de 6 grupos, cada uno con 12 integrantes, un facilitador y un relator.
Los participantes hablaron sobre reformas a la educación, reforma agraria, cese al fuego, verdad, justicia y reparación.
Entre muchas propuestas, se mencionaron las siguientes:
El sistema educativo es primordial. Debe haber una narrativa histórica que contribuya a la no repetición del conflicto armado.
Educación ciudadana acerca del post-conflicto y sobre los procesos de ajuste al sistema judicial cuando se firme el acuerdo de paz.
Reparación económica a las víctimas en el exterior, no solo reparación moral.
Establecimiento de una Comisión de la Verdad en donde se documente lo que sucedió y la conformación de instrumentos específicos para documentar los casos en el exterior de forma diferenciada para que la comisión tenga acceso a las víctimas residentes en el exterior.
Monitoreo y re-distribución de la inversión extranjera. Que se les exija a la multinacionales recursos para inversión social en Colombia, y además fortalecimiento de las instituciones políticas para que estos recursos no se pierdan.
Continuación del dialogo, no solo en la mesa de negociaciones, si no dialogo entre la sociedad para que no se repita el conflicto, tolerancia entre los colombianos para que disminuya la violencia.
A pesar del éxito del Foro, los participantes manifestaron mayoritariamente miedo, la desesperanza, la pérdida de credibilidad por las instituciones políticas en Colombia. Acontecimientos que exigen claridad por parte del Estado Colombiano hacia las victimas con soluciones precisas y justas. Sin embargo, el foro de Londres, ha abierto la posibilidad de visibilizar a las víctimas que están fuera de Colombia en una sola voz, una voz que reclama derechos y deberes dentro de la democracia Colombiana.
00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2014-09-24 09:06:372024-08-13 20:40:34Foro Internacional de Victimas: Londres
The 8th conversation in the series ‘Conversatorios de Paz – Rodeemos el Diálogo’ (ReD), and the first on a projected tour of ReD events outside of London, was held on 25th July, 2014 at the University of Bath. Bath received the speaker Francy Carranza[1] and moderator Peter Cousins[2] to discuss the ‘Demobilisation and Reintegration of Ex-combatants in Colombia.’ This event was attended by a multinational audience including people from Argentina, Britain, Mexico and Nigeria, as well as Colombia.
Some attendees had a direct link to Colombia and others a particular interest in the country as a case study with regards to other places experiencing internal conflict. To bring everyone up to speed, the speaker gave a brief account of the conflict after its beginnings in the 1950’s.
Francy drew a rough chronological map of the conflict illustrating the most significant events throughout its history such as the formation of the FARC in 1964 by partisans after the civil war; the formation of the ELN, EPL, M-19 CRS and Quintín Lame guerrillas in the 70’s and their demobilisation between 1985 and 1991 which led to an increase in the violence. Paramilitary groups that were backed up by drug dealing cartels saw their uprising in the 90s, ousting the guerrillas and gaining control of one third of the Colombian territory and of congress. These events played a decisive role in the election of Alvaro Uribe as president for two terms (2002-2006 and 2006-2010). In 2003, the paramilitary groups were engaged in the biggest demobilisation process in Colombia.
The conversation then centred on the processes of reintegration of the paramilitary ex-combatants and guerrilla members persuaded to demobilise by a successful governmental campaign of benefits for deserters. Figures were allegedly doubled by the government – official figures reported about 31,000 paramilitary ex-combatants demobilised from a total number of about 15,000 paramilitary soldiers. The percentage of success of the demobilisation programmes in Colombia is reported to be about 80%, indicating a very low rate of ex-combatants returning to criminal bands or other forms of criminality. Several factors are thought to contribute to the successful demobilisation rate including financial benefits, psychological attention and family ties (since many combatants have family members on both sides of the conflict).
It was also highlighted that paramilitary and guerrilla groups frequently take advantage of the most vulnerable people in society to recruit soldiers, being common practice for them to enrol children as young as 11 years old from rural communities. Therefore, very young people are amongst those reintegrating with society, requiring appropriate education and training towards employment. This further highlights the important role of institutions such as schools and health services which provide a support platform for the demobilised people. Another problem that ex-combatants face is the difficulty to integrate back into society, leading to a tendency for ex-combatants to establish relationships in a very closed circle of fellow ex-combatants or even former enemies.
Additionally, successful demobilisation programmes have been reported in the cities of Medellín and Bogotá which are the two main urban clusters in Colombia, and have accordingly received the highest number of forcedly displaced people. However, the lack of support for the local government at national level is noticeable: lack of investment and poor leadership among mayors are factors that hinder the development of these projects and their replication in smaller cities.
During the conversation, themes such as the agrarian reform, drug trafficking and political participation, which are key points of the ongoing peace negotiations in Havana, Cuba, were discussed. Although the main theme of the conversation was the experience of the DDR (Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration) processes in Colombia, everyone in attendance appreciated the basic need for the details of the conflict to be understood before solutions to the problem could be proposed. All members of the audience participated in the discussions and were very engaged with the subject such that the Conversation could have continued far beyond the timeframe of the event.
https://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.png00Rodeemos el Diálogohttps://rodeemoseldialogo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Logo-azul-espanol-300x270.pngRodeemos el Diálogo2014-09-09 11:53:192024-08-13 20:42:26Conversatorio 8 en Bath-Inglaterra
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