A los interesados e interesadas en el siguiente evento en Londres


tiene el gusto de invitarlo a su evento el sabado 5 de Julio 2014, 1:00 p.m en SOAS UNIVERSIDAD DE LONDRES.

Se invita a todas las Mujeres  Colombianas, Emprendedoras, Trabajadoras, Migrantes, Profesionales, Artistas y Lideres,
A compartir sus experiencias,  crear coneccion y  discutir temas sobre nuestro  desarrollo integral como mujeres,
como Colombianas y como migrantes.

Fecha : 5 Julio 2013
Lugar : University of London – Soas WC1H 0XG
Hora : 1:00 P.M – 7:00 P.M Our mailing address is:
Mas informacion en

Movilízate por la Paz!

Movilización por la Paz en Londres.

* Día: martes, 10 de junio
* Hora: 7 pm
* Lugar: Trafagar Square

Traigan banderas, camisetas, ponchos, ruanas y música!

Conversatorio de Paz: Peace Negotiations between the Colombian Government and FARC

UCL-Institute of the Americas is pleased to host the seventh in the series of seminars to discuss the latest developments in the peace negotiations between the Colombian government and FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia).

Thu 12 June, 5.30-7.45pm, UCL-Institute of the Americas, 51 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PN

The participants will have the opportunity to draw up a report from each discussion to be published on the webpages of the organisers.

Structure of the Conversatorios:

  • Introduction and presentations (30 minutes)
  • Discussion and questions (45 minutes)
  • Conclusions and selection of points to be drafted into report (15 minutes)
  • Tea and coffee reception (30 minutes)

Moderator: Andrei Gómez-Suárez (University of Oxford)

Guest Speaker: Rosa Emilia Salamanca (Pacto Ético por un País en Paz, Bogotá)

This event may be of particular interest to Colombians, but it is open to all members of the public.

Space is limited to 23 persons: please register beforehand.

Before registering we recommend reading the background details for earlier conversatorios (in Spanish):

To register, please send an email to:


British Academics for a Colombia Under Peace (BACUP)

Canning House


Rodeemos el Diálogo

UCL – Institute of the Americas


El séptimo en una serie de conversatorios para analizar el progreso de las negociaciones de La Habana, tendrá lugar el 12 JUNIO a las 17.30h en el INSTITUTO DE LAS AMÉRICAS (UCL). Nuestra invitada muy especial es Rosa Emilia Salamanca del Pacto Ético por un País en Paz, con la facilitación de costumbre de Andrei Gómez-Suárez.

Mayores detalles a seguir pero el/la que desee inscribirse desde ya, puede hacerlo enviando un correo con datos personales, y afiliación institucional si la hay, a A las primeras 23 personas que se inscriban, se les garantiza cupo, luego se mantendrá una lista de espera.

Terminaremos un poco más temprano que lo normal para que los que quieran, puedan disfrutar de la apertura del Mundial, que arranca a las 21pm hora inglesa!


The seventh in a series of round-table discussions to analyse the progress of the Havana peace talks, will take place on 12th JUNE at 5.30pm at the INSTITUTE OF THE AMERICAS (UCL). Our special guest speaker will be Rosa Emilia Salamanca of the Pacto Ético por un País en Paz, and the event will be facilitated as usual by Andrei Gómez-Suárez.

Full details to follow, but those who wish to register now may do so by sending an email with personal details, and institutional affiliation if such exists, to First come first served up to 23 people; thereafter we will keep a waiting list.

We will finish a little earlier than usual so that everyone has the opportunity to watch the opening match of the World Cup at 9pm English time!

Peacebuilding in the Time of Negotiations

By Peter Cousins

In August 2012, Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos announced that his government had reached an agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to begin substantive negotiations to end the longstanding armed conflict between these two parties. Talks would proceed on the basis of a pre-arranged agenda covering six overarching points.[i] On learning of this agreement, a small group of Colombians and ‘friends of Colombia’ met in London with a view to showing support for the talks in whatever ways might seem appropriate, and keeping them in the public eye in the UK. This outfit became known as Rodeemos el Diálogo or ReD by its initials in Spanish.[ii] Since the start of 2014, an identifiable core group has established itself in Bogotá. ReD operates on the basis of two fundamental principles: that it seeks to support the principle of the negotiations without taking a position on specific agreements or other political developments in Colombia; and is a politically-neutral, non-partisan initiative.


Para seguir leyendo, pinche aquí.

Colombia: Peace Negotiations And Congressional Elections

Event in Canning House:

Colombia: Peace Negotiations And Congressional Elections

This is a momentous year for Colombia – not least due to the optimism surrounding the Colombian peace process arguably higher than it has ever been before. This is also an election year with the presidential elections due to take place at the end of May, the outcome of which could have large implications on the peace process and more.

The preliminary congressional elections take place this March and this event will take a look at the results of these whilst providing an update on the peace process in this important year.

Canning House is delighted to welcome Javier Ciurlizza from the International Crisis Group, Programme Director for Latin America, based in Bogota; and James Lockhart Smith, Principal Analyst, Latin America at Maplecroft, to speak at this event.

Tue, 11 Mar 2014
Time : 18:30 – 20:30

Register and information: